Can Alexa Make White Noise? How to Use Your Smart Assistant for Better Sleep

White noise has become a popular solution for improving sleep quality and enhancing concentration. With the rise of smart home technology, many are wondering if their virtual assistant, like Amazon’s Alexa, can assist in playing white noise. 

Alexa has become an integral part of many households, with users relying on the device for a variety of tasks such as playing music, setting reminders, and controlling smart home devices. In this article, we will explore the question “Can Alexa play white noise?” and provide a comprehensive guide on how to utilize Alexa for white noise playback.

Can Alexa Make White Noise

Yes, Alexa can make white noise. White noise is a sound that includes all frequencies at equal intensity, and it is often used to mask unwanted sounds and promote better sleep. Alexa has a built-in white noise feature that allows users to choose from a variety of ambient sounds, including white noise, to play on their devices. 

To activate this feature, users can simply ask Alexa to “play white noise” or “play ambient sounds.”

Additionally, there are various skills and third-party apps available for Alexa that offer even more white noise options. These skills can be enabled by the user through the Alexa app or by using voice commands. 

Some popular white noise skills include “Sleep Sounds” by Invoked Apps, which offers a wide range of relaxing sounds to help with sleep and relaxation, and “White Noise” by TMSOFT, which provides a variety of different white noise options, including brown noise, pink noise, and more.

It is also worth noting that Alexa can adjust the volume and duration of white noise playback. Users can ask Alexa to increase or decrease the volume of the white noise, set a timer for how long it should play, or even set up a routine that plays white noise at specific times of the day or night.

What Type of White Noise Can Alexa Play?

Alexa can play a variety of white noise sounds, in addition to other ambient sounds, to promote relaxation and better sleep. Here are some of the types of white noise that Alexa can play:

Classic White Noise: 

This is the traditional sound of white noise, and it includes all frequencies at equal intensity. It is often used to mask unwanted background noise and promote better sleep. 

This is the most common type of white noise, and it includes all frequencies at equal intensity. Alexa has several classic white noise options, such as “Alexa, play white noise,” “Alexa, play static,” and “Alexa, play TV static.”

Colored Noise: 

Colored noise is similar to white noise but with different levels of intensity across different frequencies. Alexa has several colored noise options, including:

  • Pink Noise: This type of noise has a higher intensity at lower frequencies and is often used to improve sleep and relaxation. This makes it sound deeper and more natural. Some people find pink noise to be more soothing than white noise. Users can ask Alexa to “play pink noise.” 
  • Brown Noise: This type of noise has an even lower frequency than pink noise and is often used to promote deep relaxation and focus. It sounds deeper and more rumbling, and some people find it to be even more relaxing than pink noise. Users can ask Alexa to “play brown noise.”
  • Blue Noise: This type of noise has a higher frequency than white noise, and it is often used to mask high-pitched sounds like snoring or traffic. Users can ask Alexa to “play blue noise.”

Nature Sounds: 

Nature sounds, such as those offered by Alexa, have been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body. Here’s a closer look at the significance of each sound:

  1. Ocean Waves: The sound of ocean waves has been found to have a meditative effect on the mind and can help reduce stress and anxiety. The rhythmic sound of the waves can also help promote better sleep by masking other sounds that may disrupt sleep.
  2. Rain: The sound of rain falling on a roof or pavement can be incredibly soothing and calming. It has been found to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, making it a popular choice for those with trouble sleeping.
  3. Thunderstorm: The sound of thunder and rain combined can be both calming and energizing. It can help reduce stress and promote relaxation while also providing a sense of excitement and energy.
  4. Forest: The sound of a forest, with birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind, can be incredibly calming and peaceful. It can help promote relaxation and reduce stress, while also providing a sense of connection to nature.

Other Ambient Sounds: 

The other ambient sounds offered by Alexa can also be beneficial for relaxation, stress reduction, and better sleep. Here’s a closer look at the significance of each sound:

  1. Fireplace: The sound of a crackling fire can be incredibly soothing and calming. It can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it a popular choice for those looking to unwind after a long day.
  2. Fan: Fan sounds are a popular type of white noise that can help mask external sounds and promote better sleep. The steady, constant sound of a fan can also help create a calming environment, making it easier to relax and fall asleep.
  3. Meditation: Alexa’s meditation sounds offer a range of calming music and sounds designed to promote mindfulness and relaxation. They can be a great way to start or end the day, helping to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
can Alexa make white noise

Can Alexa be Used as a Sound Machine?

A sound machine is a device that produces various types of soothing sounds to promote relaxation and better sleep. These machines have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people are recognizing the benefits of natural soundscapes for improving overall well-being. 

With the rise of smart home technology, many people are wondering if their voice-activated devices, such as Alexa, can be used as sound machines. 

To answer the question, yes, Alexa can be used as a sound machine. With its ability to play a wide range of ambient sounds, including nature sounds and white noise, Alexa can be a great option for those looking to promote relaxation and better sleep. However, there are some differences between using Alexa as a sound machine and using a traditional sound machine.

One of the main differences is the quality of sound. While Alexa can produce a variety of sounds, the sound quality may not be as high as that of a dedicated sound machine. This is because Alexa is primarily designed as a voice-activated assistant, not a sound machine. However, the sound quality of Alexa can be improved by using external speakers or connecting Alexa to a Bluetooth-enabled speaker.

Another difference is the level of control. With a traditional sound machine, users have more control over the specific sound they want to hear, as well as the volume and duration of the sound. With Alexa, users can choose from a variety of sounds, but they may not have the same level of control over the specifics of the sound.

Overall, while Alexa can be used as a sound machine, it may not be the best option for those who prioritize high-quality sound and specific control over their soundscapes. However, for those who already have an Alexa device and are looking for a simple and convenient way to add ambient sounds to their environment, Alexa can be a great option.

How to Play White Noise on Alexa All Night

Playing white noise on Alexa all night can be a great way to promote better sleep and mask external sounds that may disturb your rest. Here’s how to play white noise on Alexa all night:

  1. Choose a white noise sound: Alexa offers a variety of white noise sounds, including static, fan, and nature sounds like rain and waves. Decide which sound you prefer and make note of the specific name of the sound.
  2. Set up a routine: In the Alexa app, you can create a routine that will automatically play the white noise sound of your choice at a specific time each night. To set up a routine, go to the “Routines” section in the app and click on “Create Routine.” From there, you can set the time and day you want the routine to run, as well as the action you want Alexa to take. Choose “Music” as the action, then select the white noise sound you want to play.
  3. Set the volume: Once you’ve created your routine, make sure to set the volume of the white noise sound to a level that’s comfortable for you. You can adjust the volume by using voice commands or by adjusting the volume in the Alexa app.
  4. Keep the device plugged in: To ensure that the white noise plays all night, make sure to keep your Alexa device plugged in and charging. This will prevent the device from running out of battery and turning off the sound.
  5. Turn off any interruptions: To avoid interruptions during the night, make sure to turn off any notifications or alarms on your Alexa device. You can do this by going to the “Settings” section in the Alexa app and adjusting the notification and alarm settings.
  6. Enable Do Not Disturb: To avoid any interruptions during the night, enable Do Not Disturb mode on your Alexa device. This can be done by saying “Alexa, turn on Do Not Disturb.”
  7. Connect to external speakers (optional): If you want to improve the sound quality of the white noise, consider connecting your Alexa device to external speakers via Bluetooth or an audio cable. This will give you a more immersive and high-quality sound experience.

By following these steps, you can easily play white noise on Alexa all night to promote better sleep and improve your overall well-being. Remember to choose a sound that you find calming and relaxing, and to adjust the volume to a comfortable level before falling asleep.

Can Alexa Play White Noise for Babies

Yes, Alexa can play white noise for babies. In fact, it’s a popular feature among parents who use white noise to help their babies sleep. Here are some key facts about playing white noise for babies on Alexa:

  1. Alexa offers a variety of white noise sounds that are suitable for babies. These include sounds like “gentle rain,” “ocean waves,” “heartbeat,” and “shushing.
  2. White noise can be helpful for babies because it can mimic the sounds they hear in the womb. It can also help to soothe them and mask any external noises that might wake them up.
  3. When playing white noise for babies, it’s important to keep the volume at a safe level. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a maximum volume of 50 decibels for white noise machines used in nurseries.
  4. It’s also important to use white noise for babies safely. This means not placing the device too close to the baby’s ears and not playing it too loudly or for too long. The device should also be kept away from the baby’s sleeping area.
  5. Parents can use Alexa’s sleep timer feature to ensure that the white noise stops playing after a set period of time. This can help prevent the baby from becoming reliant on white noise to fall asleep.
  6. Some parents choose to use a dedicated white noise machine specifically designed for babies instead of Alexa. However, Alexa can be a convenient and cost-effective option for parents who already own an Alexa device.

Overall, Alexa can be a useful tool for playing white noise for babies. However, it’s important to use it safely and to keep the volume at a safe level. Parents should also be aware of any potential risks associated with using white noise for babies and talk to their pediatrician if they have any concerns.

Can Alexa Play White Noise for Free?

Yes, Alexa can play white noise for free. There are several free white noise skills available for Alexa that can be activated with a simple voice command. These skills offer a variety of white noise sounds, including static, fan sounds, and nature sounds like rain and waves.

There are several free white noise skills available for Alexa that can be activated with a simple voice command. These skills offer a variety of white noise sounds, including static, fan sounds, and nature sounds like rain and waves. These skills are typically created by third-party developers and can be found in the Alexa Skills Store.

In addition to these skills, there are also many white noise playlists available on music streaming services like Amazon Music and Spotify that can be played through Alexa. While these services may require a subscription or membership, many offer a free trial period that can be used to access their white noise playlists. These playlists often include a variety of white noise sounds, including different types of static and natural sounds.

It’s important to note that while many white noise sounds and skills are available for free on Alexa, some may require a purchase or subscription to access certain features or sounds. For example, some white noise skills may offer additional sounds or features for a fee. However, there are still many free options available for those looking to use Alexa as a white noise machine.

White Noise Alexa Hacks

Here are some white noise Alexa hacks that you can use to get the most out of your smart speaker:

  1. Looping the sound: By default, Alexa will stop playing white noise after a certain amount of time. To loop the sound so it plays all night, you can say “Alexa, loop on” or “Alexa, loop off” to turn loop on or off.
  2. Volume control: You can adjust the volume of the white noise by saying “Alexa, turn the volume up/down”. This is useful for finding the right level of sound to help you sleep.
  3. Customizing the sound: Some white noise skills for Alexa allow you to customize the sound by adjusting the pitch or adding additional sounds. For example, the “White Noise Ambience” skill allows you to customize the sound by adding birds or a train to the mix.
  4. Combining with routines: You can create routines on your Alexa device that automatically play white noise at a certain time of day or when you say a specific command. For example, you can create a routine that plays white noise every night at 10 pm to help you sleep.
  5. Using Alexa as a speaker: In addition to using Alexa’s built-in white noise skills, you can also use Alexa as a speaker to play white noise from other sources. For example, you can connect your phone to Alexa via Bluetooth and play white noise from a white noise app on your phone.
  6. Controlling with your phone: You can control Alexa and its white noise skills from your phone using the Alexa app. This is useful for adjusting the volume or looping the sound without having to get out of bed.

These are just a few white noise Alexa hacks that can help you get the most out of your smart speaker and improve your sleep.

Alexa White Noise Keeps Stopping

There can be a few reasons why Alexa’s white noise keeps stopping. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  1. Internet connection: Alexa requires a stable internet connection to stream white noise. If your internet connection is weak or unstable, it can cause interruptions or stoppages in the white noise playback. Try moving your Alexa device closer to your Wi-Fi router or resetting your router to see if that helps.
  2. Skill or app issues: If you’re using a white noise skill or app on Alexa, it could be experiencing technical issues that are causing the white noise to stop. Try restarting the skill or app to see if that helps.
  3. Sleep timer: If you have set a sleep timer on Alexa for the white noise, it will automatically stop playing once the timer runs out. Make sure you haven’t set a sleep timer, or adjusted it to a longer time if you want the white noise to play all night.
  4. Device issues: If your Alexa device is experiencing technical issues, it could be causing the white noise to stop. Try restarting the device or resetting it to its factory settings to see if that helps.
  5. Audio streaming issues: In some cases, Alexa may have trouble streaming audio from certain sources. Try using a different white noise skill or app to see if that resolves the issue.

If none of these solutions work, it may be worth contacting Amazon customer support for further assistance.


Alexa offers a wide range of white noise options that can be used for relaxation and to promote better sleep. Whether you prefer the sound of ocean waves, a crackling fireplace, or the steady hum of white noise, Alexa has you covered. 

While there may be occasional issues with playback, troubleshooting these issues can usually resolve the problem. With the convenience of voice commands and the variety of options available, Alexa can be a great tool for anyone looking to improve their sleep hygiene.

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