Troubleshoot Your Google Home Not Turning On

Are you having trouble getting your Google Home assistant to turn on? Don’t worry – it’s a common problem and there are some simple steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

In this blog post, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the issue of Google Home not turning on. We’ll also discuss how you can get it to shoulder its duties once again.

So if you’re having problems with your Google Home or similar device not turning on, keep reading! We’ve got all the information (and solutions) that will help put things right again.

6 Reasons Why Your Google Home Not Turning On

There are a variety of reasons why your Google Home (or mini) device might not be turning on. From faulty power cables to network issues, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.

However, with some troubleshooting tips and an understanding of common issues that can prevent your Google Home from powering up, you should be able to diagnose and fix the issue in no time.

Here are 6 reasons why your Google Home or Mini might not be turning on.

1. Outdated Software

One of the most common causes for a Google Home not turning on is outdated software. If your device has not been updated recently, it may be missing out on important bug patches and security updates.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • The device may be running an old version of the Google Home app.
  • Outdated software can make it difficult for your device to interact with new features and updates.
  • The device may have a security vulnerability that is not patched in the current version.
  • Your device could be missing out on important bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Outdated software can cause compatibility issues with other devices and services connected to your Google Home Mini.

2. Power Issues

Another potential reason why your Google Home not turning on could be related to power issues. Make sure the device is plugged into a working outlet, and check if any other devices in the same power outlet are working. If possible, try another outlet or a different charging cable to see if that helps.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • The device may be getting insufficient power from the outlet it is plugged into.
  • Check if there is an issue with the power source itself.
  • A faulty or incompatible charging cable may be preventing your device from powering on.
  • The device may have a loose connection between the wall outlet and charger.
  • The power button on your Google Home Mini may have malfunctioned.

3. Overheating

Google Home Mini devices can overheat if they are kept in an enclosed space or near a heat source for too long. If you notice that your device is getting hot, make sure to move it to a more ventilated area and give it some time to cool down before attempting to turn it on again.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • The device may be located in an enclosed space with poor ventilation.
  • Leaving your Google Home Mini near a heat source such as a radiator or furnace can cause it to overheat.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can also cause the device to become too hot.
  • If your device is overheating, it will be unable to turn on until it has cooled down.
  • Keeping the device away from direct heat sources and making sure it has adequate ventilation can help prevent overheating.

4. Hardware Issues

In some cases, hardware issues such as a faulty power button or defective charging port can be the cause of your Google Home not turning on. If you have ruled out all other potential causes, it may be best to contact customer service for assistance.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • A damaged power button or charging port may prevent your device from powering on.
  • The device’s internal components may have become damaged or worn out over time.
  • If you are having trouble connecting your device to a power source, it may be due to a defective charging port.
  • A faulty microphone can prevent your device from being responsive when you give commands.
  • Dust and dirt buildup in the device’s ports can cause connectivity issues and prevent your device from powering on.

5. Software Issues

Software issues can be a common cause of Google Home not turning on. Try resetting the device by pressing and holding the power button for 15 seconds, then check if there is an available software update from the Google Home app.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • Incompatible apps and services may prevent your device from powering on.
  • A software bug or glitch can cause the device to become unresponsive when you attempt to turn it on.
  • If your device is stuck in a loop, resetting the device may be necessary to fix the issue.
  • An outdated version of the Google Home app can cause the device to become unresponsive.
  • Check for available software updates from the Google Home app or website.

6. Battery Draining

Finally, if your Google Home Mini is powered by a rechargeable battery, it may be draining too quickly due to prolonged usage or old age. Try charging the device for a few hours and see if that resolves the issue.

Here are a few more related reasons and fixes:

  • Prolonged usage or old age can cause the rechargeable battery in your device to drain quickly.
  • Check if the battery indicator on your device is flashing or blinking, indicating that it needs to be recharged.
  • If the battery indicator is not on, try plugging in the device and charging it for a few hours.
  • Make sure that the charger you are using is compatible with your device.
  • Replacing the rechargeable battery may resolve the issue if it is worn out.
Google Home not Turning On

How to Fix Google Home Not Turning On Lights – 7 Ways

In this modern era, smart home technology is becoming increasingly popular. Smart lights are an important part of this technology and can be controlled with the help of virtual assistants such as Google Home.

However, users may encounter issues when attempting to turn on their lights with Google Home. Fortunately, there are a few fixes that can help resolve this issue.

1. Check the Light Switch

If your Google Home is not turning on lights, the first step should be to check if the light switch is in the ‘on’ position. This may seem like an obvious solution, but it’s important to make sure that all switches are turned on before taking further steps.

Here are the steps:

  1. Locate the light switch for the lights you are trying to turn on with your Google Home Mini.
  2. Ensure that the switch is in the “on” position, as this will allow electricity to flow through it and power up the lights.
  3. If the switch is already in the “on” position, try turning it off and on again.
  4. Make sure that the bulbs are securely screwed into their sockets, as loose connections can cause them to not turn on.
  5. Check if any of your light fixtures have tripped a fuse or circuit breaker in your home’s electrical system. If so, reset the breaker and try turning on the lights again.
  6. If all of these steps don’t work, consult your user manual to troubleshoot any further issues related to connecting your Google Home Mini with your light fixtures.

2. Check the Network

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be an issue with your home’s Wi-Fi network. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device is connected to a strong and stable network.

Here are the steps:

  1. Check if your router is properly connected and functioning correctly.
  2. Check the range of your router and make sure that the Google Home Mini is within its coverage area.
  3. Check if there are any other devices connected to the same network that may be causing interference.
  4. Restart your router and try reconnecting the Google Home Mini to the Wi-Fi network.
  5. If all of these steps don’t work, try connecting it to a different network.
  6. Run a speed test on the network you are connected to and ensure that the connection is stable and fast enough for your device to function properly.

3. Check the App

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be related to a misconfiguration of the Google Home app. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device is properly set up in the app.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Check if the light fixtures you are trying to turn on with your Google Home Mini are listed here. If not, add them via their respective setup processes.
  3. Tap on each of these light fixtures and check that their settings are properly configured.
  4. If their settings are properly configured, tap on “Test” to ensure that they can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.
  5. Check if there are any other connected devices or services that could be causing interference with the operation of your lights. If so, remove them from the app.

4. Remove and Add Smart Lights Again in Google Home

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be related to a problem with the connection between the device and your light fixtures. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the connection is working correctly.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on each of the light fixtures you are trying to control with your Google Home Mini and check that their settings are properly configured.
  3. If their settings are not properly configured, remove them from the app and add them again via their respective setup processes.
  4. Once they have been added again, tap on “Test” to ensure that they can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

5. Re-Pairing the Device

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be related to a problem with the pairing between the device and your light fixtures. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that they are properly paired.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on each of the light fixtures you are trying to control with your Google Home Mini and check that their settings are properly configured.
  3. If their settings are not properly configured, unpair them from the app and re-pair them again via their respective setup processes.
  4. Once they have been paired again, tap on “Test” to ensure that they can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

6. Reset Smart Lights and Set Them Up Again

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be related to an outdated state of the light fixtures. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that they are properly set up and updated.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on each of the light fixtures you are trying to control with your Google Home Mini and check that their settings are properly configured.
  3. If their settings are not properly configured, reset them from the app and set them up again via their respective setup processes.
  4. Once they have been set up again, tap on “Test” to ensure that they can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

7. Check For Any Interference From Other Sources

If your Google Home Mini is not turning on lights, it could be related to any interference from other sources. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that there are no interferences present.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Check for any other Bluetooth or Wi-Fi devices in the vicinity of your Google Home Mini that could be interfering with its connection and turn them off if possible.
  3. Also check for any physical barriers like walls, furniture, etc. between the device and light fixtures that may also cause interference.
  4. Once you have checked all sources of interference, tap on “Test” to ensure that the light fixtures can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

5 Ways to Fix Google Home Not Responding to Commands

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, there could be a few potential solutions that you can try. Before attempting any of these fixes, make sure that you have the latest version of the Google Home app installed on your device. Here are a few ways to fix the issue:

1. Check for Software Updates

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, it could be related to outdated software. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device has the latest version of the software installed.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and check if there are any available software updates.
  3. If an update is available, tap on “Update” to install the latest version of the software.
  4. Once the device has been updated, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

2. Restart the Device

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, it could be related to a system or device issue. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure to restart the device.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Tap on “Restart” and confirm that you want to restart the device.
  4. Once the device has been restarted, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

3. Check your Network Connection

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, it could be related to a poor or unstable network connection. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device is connected to a stable and secure Wi-Fi network.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Check for any Wi-Fi networks listed under “Network Connection” and ensure that it is connected to a secure and stable Wi-Fi network.
  4. Once the device has been connected to the correct network, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

4. Check for Any Sources of Interference

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, it could be related to sources of interference. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device is away from any potential sources of interference such as microwaves, Bluetooth devices, or other electronic items.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Check for any sources of interference that may be impacting the device’s performance.
  4. Once any potential sources of interference have been identified and moved away from the device, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

5. Check the Microphone

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, it could be related to a faulty microphone. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device’s microphone is working properly.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Check for any issues with the microphone listed under “Microphone” and ensure that it is working properly.
  4. Once the microphone has been checked and confirmed to be working, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

How To Restart Google Home Mini?

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, you may need to restart the device. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device has been restarted.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Tap on “More Settings” and then tap on “Restart Device” to restart your device.
  4. Once the device has been restarted, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

How to Reboot Google Home?

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, you may need to reboot the device. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device has been rebooted.

Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your device and tap on “Devices” in the navigation bar.
  2. Tap on your Google Home Mini and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Tap on “More Settings” and then tap on “Reboot Device” to reboot your device.
  4. Once the device has been rebooted, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.

How to Restart Google Home Without App?

If your Google Home Mini is not responding to commands, you may need to restart the device without using the Google Home app. Before attempting to troubleshoot any further, make sure that the device has been restarted.

Here are the steps:

  1. Press and hold the microphone mute button on the back of your device for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Your Google Home Mini will then restart itself.
  3. Once the device has been restarted, tap on “Test” to ensure that it can be controlled by your Google Home Mini.


Struggling with your Google Home turning on? Don’t fear, you aren’t alone! Technology can be finicky and it’s great that Google has provided a few options to help you fix the issue. Whether it’s a quick unplug and replug, resetting the device altogether, or performing more advanced troubleshooting steps such as factory resets.

Fortunately, these tips apply to just about any device so if you encounter this issue again you’ll know exactly what steps to take. Remember to disconnect the power source before attempting any kind of repair or troubleshooting step to prevent electrocuting yourself or damaging your device further.

With these repair tips in mind, we hope that anyone having difficulty with their Google Home will be able to turn it back on in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Google Home unresponsive?

Your Google Home may be unresponsive if there is an issue with the microphone, or if the device needs to be restarted, rebooted, or reset. Try checking the microphone and restarting/rebooting/resetting your Google Home Mini to see if this resolves the issue. If none of these steps works, consult your user manual for further troubleshooting steps.

Why is my Google Home Not Powering on?

Your Google Home may not be powering on if it is out of power or needs to be restarted. Check that your device is plugged in and try restarting the device using the steps outlined above.

How do I manually turn on Google Home?

To manually turn on your Google Home Mini, press and hold the power button for 5-10 seconds. This will activate the device and you can then control it with voice commands.

Is there a reset button on Google Home?

Yes, there is a reset button on Google Home devices located at the bottom of the device. You can press and hold this button for 5-10 seconds to reset your device.

Does unplugging a Google Home reset it?

Yes, unplugging your Google Home Mini can reset it. Make sure to hold the power button for 5-10 seconds after disconnecting the device from the power source to fully reset it.


Min Jin Park (January 2020). Preliminary Study of a Google Home Mini.

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